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Optics&EYECARE Blog

Learn more about optometrist care in our blog!

3 Times When Your Child Should Visit the Optometrist

Having your child checked and treated for any vision problems he or she may have is crucial for their health. Visual skills are a vital part of learning, and vision problems can impede your child’s success in school and in life...

Why a Vision Exam is Good for Your Eyes – and Your Health

Did you know that an eye exam can detect signs of serious health conditions? According to a 2011 study, eye doctors found symptoms of some diseases before other healthcare professionals...

Treatment of Amblyopia, Lazy Eye, or Strabismus

Amblyopia is a medical condition that is commonly referred to as lazy eye. A person with amblyopia will have decreased vision in one or both eyes. This is usually caused in infancy or in childhood due to abnormal development in the eye or eyes

Have You Scheduled Your Eye Exam?

As restrictions begin to lift, we would like to remind you of the importance of scheduling your annual eye exam. Eye exams are important at every age and life stage...

How to Prepare For An Eye Exam

The eyes are one of the most important organs of the body because they give you the ability to see. To ensure that your eyes are healthy...

The Importance of Eye Care

It is important for everyone to make sure that they take care of their eyes. This starts by making an annual visit to the eye doctor on time every year. At this visit, the eye doctor is going to take a look at someone’s visual acuity, trying to identify any problems that might be present...

Polarized Glasses

Many people take their eyes for granted and don’t realize just how important they are until their vision starts to fade. Everyone needs to be taking steps to protect their eyes...

Are You Debating Between Contact Lens and Traditional Glasses?

At Optics&EYECARE we see many patients who discover they need eye-wear to improve their vision but are not sure which option to choose when it comes to contacts or eyeglasses. We can help you clear up this personal decision by keeping you well-informed...

5 Common Causes of Bloodshot Eyes

Bloodshot eyes are so common that comments involving them are staples of popular culture yet what is it that causes bloodshot eyes? It turns out that many things can cause this condition and some, however, call for a visit to an eye doctor...

Pink Eye Symptoms and Treatment

Pink eye is medically known as conjunctivitis, which is an inflammation of the lining of the eyelid and/or the surface of the eye. The eye ailment can be caused by bacteria or viruses, allergies, dry eye, and certain airborne chemicals...